Thursday, August 11, 2011

Playing "Mommy"

I can't remember exact details of when my Sisters and I use to play it as kids, but I do remember how I always longed to be a Mommy one day. I dreamt about what kind of Mommy I would be and how I would keep a house and what my Husband would be like. I always thought it was neat that my Husband's name was Eric, that way he technically is my "Prince Eric"- from the Little Mermaid (yes, I am that into Disney). I don't think I've ever told him that, either haha.

It's pretty amazing to me how much I don't remember of my kidhood. I turn to Holly when I want to know things, she has a remarkable memory. I do, however, remember that when I did play "Mommy", I always had my baby be a Girl. Most baby dolls are girls, so it only seemed natural to not change the sex.

I had a thing with braiding my doll's hair. I guess I thought that braiding hair and changing diapers were the only responsibilities, really. I was good at it too. Braiding hair was calming (and still is, I braid Emme's Doll's hair in church while listening to the talks).

And I specifically remember thinking how amazing it would be to braid my own daughters hair one day. I couldn't wait to do that.

This post doesn't have much relevance to anyone but me. I just simply wanted to state that I do remember that one memory vividly. I also KNEW that what I wanted to be when I grew up was a Mommy. I wanted to write this post to remember that last night I was able to braid my daughters hair for the first time.

It was as magical as I imagined it would be.

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