Thursday, June 23, 2011

Whos got 1 thumb and a new rank??


Found out bright and early this morning that my wonderful Husband made TSgt!
I am so happy for his accomplishment!
Okay- time to brag a little...

He made it by 17 points and was the 15th Selectee in Weather.
This was his 2nd time testing but 1st time studying.
When he would have downtime, he would always choose studying. I could never have enough discipline to chose that over my shows!
He did that for 4 solid months.

I am so proud of our little family, the last couple weeks leading up to the test was "crunch time" to fit in all the studying he could and we worked great as a team! I would have him go upstairs to our room, lock the door, and have all the concentration he needed to fully focus. It was Emme and I by ourselves for those 2 weeks basically.
He took the test back in March, the AF came out with the results today, and he doesn't sew on his stripes for a full year! What a tease!
We went to a ceremony today to celebrate with the rest of the people who made this rank on Keesler AFB and it had such high energy in the room. This is a very tough rank to make, so you could see in everyone's faces just how happy they were to make it.

Congratulations Hunny on your news!
I'm glad you were able to prove something this big to yourself by buckling down and giving it your 100% attention. I hope you feel so good about all your hard work!

I knew you would make it ;)

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