Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something pretty big in the works!

Some know, some don't.

Here it is.

Eric and I made the decision a few months back that we thought it's about time we add another (most likely last, for reasons I'll explain later) baby to our family!

We always knew we wanted at least one more and wished for the age gap to be close together so they will grow up with a great bond. Not saying that an older age gap isn't bonding.. Eric and I just know from experience the difference a 2 1/2 year age gap had on us as kids and we want that for ours.

Some family/friends already know that we are actively trying for #2. So far our first attempt came back a no. Which was a definite surprise to be bc when we tried for Emme, we knew we were blessed when we got her on the first try. So after wasted money on pregnancy tests and high hopes, I got a good wake up call that has humbled me. I wasn't mad or upset that the first go round didn't work but I def was a little to cocky in KNOWING I was pregnant. I even had the date August 11th memorized so I could tell the doctors the question you get about 100 times while your pregnant "When was the first day of your last period".

We are understanding that things happen for a reason and whenever it is our turn to be blessed with another baby, is when God knows it's best for us. We are leaving it in His hands and stay looking positive towards the future.

I'll keep ya updated with the process.

Wish us luck!

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