Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alive and very well

We made it to beautiful Arizona!

The girls and I are settled in and slowly beginning to figure out a routine.
I signed us all up for things to keep us busy that are indoor so we can make it through this last month of Summer. 
Em's is taking Swimming, Ballet, and Gymnastics 
I am staying busy at the gym,
and sweet Charlee is busy growing up!

It's been 2.5 weeks since we had to let Eric go back home to Biloxi to finish out processing and now the time has come! He is starting his Officer training class on Tuesday! 
The movers are at the house packing as I type, so things are fast approaching.

We miss him so much already and we are not looking forward to the separation ahead, but at the end of the day, I have to remind myself it's all for good.

E is having a difficult time... to say the least. Lots of frustrated crying, tantrums, and nasty attitude.
She loves Grandma, Papa, and Uncle Doe, but she is very confused and sad about not seeing her Daddy. Skype is a life savor and any time she feels sad about her dad, She can call him up to say hi. Now, once OTS starts, it a whole other ball game. We wont be able to talk with him the first week or so, and after that, he will be limited to the amount of calls he will be able to have. 
I explain to her about the amount of time that Daddy will be gone, but a 3 year old can only comprehend so much. She has yesterday, today, and tomorrow down, but nothing after that. I just have to tell her it'll be "a long time" until Daddy comes home. 

I did run across a cool trick that fellow military wives have done to help kids visualize the days and it's called a "deployment chain"

She doesn't get the idea yet, but every morning, I take a link off and explain to her what it means.
I can see the wheels turning, but I know if she truly grasped what it meant, she would be very upset. 

I am overwhelmed with the role Eric's family has taken on. They have really stepped up and been there for me and the girls. His mom and dad have a lot going on in their own lives, but we would never know. We love and appreciate them for the selflessness they give on a daily basis.

Now that we are so close to family and finally feeling home after 7 years (Texas and Mississippi didn't cut it for us), it's wonderful! I know we'll only be here for a short amount of time, but in comparison to the 2 weeks out of the year we usually spend, it's a world of difference. I am really enjoying myself here. 

I am looking forward to the adventures Arizona offers and the sweet family time we get to cherish for the next 4 months. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Charlee turns 1

Uuugh. What happened?!?
The year snuck away from me, I swear.
My precious, perfect (yes, I said perfect) baby is a year old!!

She has been an absolute DELIGHT to this family.
I was spoiled (and eternally grateful) to have her as my second. She let me ease into having 2 kids and still keeps it low maintenance for Mama.
Emme has needed some special attention the last few months. There have been some challenging days with that one, so having Charlee be so sweet and docile was truly a blessing I prayed for. I feel like I was so blessed to have such an easy going baby, that I am prepared and have MORE patience now going into the toddler years. 

You have accomplished the following:
Eats pretty much everything and anything in sight
Nursing is down to 3 times a day (soon to be 2 times)
Drinks water and apple juice but HATES milk
Crawls faster than Mom walks :)
Pulls up to things and stands alone for 30 seconds +
Cruises the furniture
(walking WILL happen within the month, I feel it)
Says "Mama", "Dadda", "Papa", and "Ruff Ruff" (to Mocha and Java)
Babbles non stop and mimics words 
Sleeps 12 hours at night with a 2.5 hour nap
HATES the gym daycare. Someone has to hold her the entire time or else she'll lose it.
Loves your Sister and making each other giggle but love to pull her hair, you booger!
Size 12 month clothes and size 4 pampers.
Loves to talk with Daddy on the phone.
Watches movies and cartoons
Favorite snack is goldfish, although Grandma's banana bread is close second.
Gives kisses, waves hello, claps, and dances.
LOVES it when people chase her. She squeals the loudest when you do that.
Loves cuddle time with anyone who will give it to her.
Is THE MOST squirmy baby at diaper changes. I am surprised there isn't poop all over the walls...
Loves relaxing in her pool floaty so much, she will occasionally fall asleep in it.
Is very well behaved in stores and loves taking in new surroundings wherever we go.

We celebrated her birthday at Chuck E Cheese and then headed back to the house to open presents and enjoy some cake and ice cream. 

Chuck E Cheese

Ready to party

 Happy Birthday, Charlee!!

Big Sister helping with the candle

No hands haha

Papa and Gma Shur & Great Gma Spellman

End of the day snuggles with Gma. She was beat.

The whole day was filled with love and smiles for our baby.
Daddy was able to Skype and not miss a thing. 

We love you, Charlee Maeh. Now Please, take this next year slower?? :)