Emme staring at Mama.
So far in this pregnancy I am truly blessed!!
It has been a breeze for the most part.
Here are the not so fun parts: (but I will still gladly take over what I experienced last preganacy)
I get ligament pains every now and then and pee every 30 min
I am officially all the way into maternity clothes- although that should be in the "plus" catagory bc maternity clothes are freaking awesome.
I still wake up in the middle of the night lying on my stomach followed by a mini panic attack that I just cut off supply to my baby and killed it. Then I roll over to my side and fall back asleep.
Here are the FUN parts:
**Not having horrible syptoms!!
Emme kissing and rubbing my belly.
Having energy back (2nd trimester is famous for "the most energenic trimester out of the 3")
Seeing my belly grow.
Eric getting me things that are yummy to eat (usually whenever I want them)
My cravings are for soup and water with lemon so I'm not gaining hardly any weight! (I know it's very early on though. haha.)
Prenatal Vitamins are doing wonders for my nails!!
All in all, I am one happy pregnant lady!
So far, so good!
Thank you Baby for taking it easy on your Mama so far...
I will make you my favorite if you keep it that way ;)
***Exactly 30 days until we find out what we're having!***