Monday, March 7, 2011

Coming Home

It's about time someone made a show about military families and their reunions.

Thank you, Lifetime.

If you didn't catch it, it premiered last night at 9pm.

I knew going into watching the show I would be an emotional mess.

What I didn't expect was how it physically hurt to cry. I had to hold back what I actually wanted to do, which was a loud sob. Emme was sleeping.

Unfortunately you can't understand the true emotions fully unless you are the ones going through it.
But this show does an excellent job with getting close. The look in the faces and how tight the hugs were. How emotional a wife was just trying to explain to the host how she is scared by the sound of the doorbell if she isn't expecting anyone. Yeah, you can actually feel their pain. It hurt to cry.

My personal favorite part of the show was when a little boy had a surprise reuniting with his Dad in a special medieval times way. In the middle of saying his hello, he stopped hugging his Dad, looked him in the eyes and said "But are you coming home with us after this?" The little boy knew, after years of living the military life, sometimes you only get a quick hello or goodbye. When Dad reassured him he was coming home with him, his face lit up all over again. It was so pure. It was so beautiful. At the same time your heart ached for them.

Yet the hardest part of the show is keeping your eyes dry long enough to actually watch it.

I love watching people shake hands of service men and women. I'd love to see more hugs given to the children and spouses of those serving. It would mean more to them than you know. It means that YOU understand what they go through even if you don't understand fully, you get it.

I hope you tune in this week for the new episode and see what I am trying so hard to explain.

I appreciate and love you all who support our amazing troops and families.

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