Friday, July 24, 2009

Our little 7 month old!

Yesterday Emmelyn turned the big 7 months! With that brings new news! I'll start off with the dr's visit. She went a couple days ago so the info is pretty accurate. She is now weighing in at 15 lbs 9 oz and is 27 inches long (6.10 lbs / 20 in at birth). She still is in size 3-6 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She also has done the following...

* Sit up on her own for a long time without toppling over.

* Drinks from a sippy.

* Laughs at Mommy and Ace (our doggy) all the time.

* Is finally getting use to the day care at the gym. It's only for 2 hours a day but she didn't like it at first.

* Acts like she is going to crawl anytime now... She scoots places and rolls around everywhere.

* She popped out TWO bottom teeth! Poor baby, she didn't seem to like it much.
* I can't believe i forgot this... She is sleeping through the night!! Happy Mommy over here!! She is sleeping 8pm-8am! Whoooo whooooo! We all couldn't be happier!

* Not more to say other then her personality is just to die for. I can't help but kiss her little cheek all day! She is just too stinkin cuuute!

1 comment:

  1. she is way to cute. i would like to meet her some day. i love babys. hope ur haveing a blast.
