Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday my Little

They say it goes fast.

I wish someone would have grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me and say


I think I may have taken it seriously then.

People can give tips and advice all they want, in the end it's up to you to decide what you want to do with it. I knew my little was growing before our eyes everyday, so I HAVE taken thousands of pictures and videos and memories.

She threw us off by keeping her hair short and baby like

And staying in size 12 month clothes for most of the year

And not talking as much

And snuggling and using her Binky...

But. It. Happened.

She is TWO years old now and officially a full grown TODDLER.

Doesn't mean I won't still snuggle and call her my baby, because no matter what, no matter how many babies I have, she will be my number one and therefor, my baby.
It is hard to imagine us with another little one.
I can't possibly imagine loving another as much as I love her.
How do you?
Another piece of advice I have heard is "You just do"
It just seems too easy.

Back to the kid.

She does remind us that she is getting bigger and more independent everyday.

The "No's" are coming out in full swing.
The tantrums are daily, if we're lucky, less than 5 a day.
The refusal to eat anything other than sweets has me worrying constantly.
Tearing up the house and getting into things she knows better is a daily occurrence.

On the other hand. Lets count some blessings.

She loves her cat, Tilly, and is being shown some loving companionship from her doggy, Ace.
She doesn't bite or hardly every hits.
She shows sweet compassion for her baby dolls (and most of the time ,the cat and dog).
Her hugs and kisses, given randomly, are few and far between but when they do occur, it literally still brings tears to my eyes.
She LOVES her Daddy and Mommy and thinks the world of them.

And the later is all that counts, right???
I think so.

Happy Birthday my sweet Girl
And thank you for being something so amazing you make my heart hurt it is full with so much love.
xoxox times a million

Birthday party thrown 2 weeks early for Emme at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Phoenix.
The Ladies
Getting in some family time as much as possible. Here is Emme and one of her favorite Aunt's testing some frosting

Nibbling some frosting off Daddy's nose.

Loving her Jasmine Doll Grandma and Grandpa Shur got her for her birthday. Hello GGma in the picture as well!!

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