Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Happy Birthday to Meeee

I'd like to welcome our newest addition to the Jaeger household!
Aaand it doesn't poop or keep you up at night ; )
I think Eric finally had enough of me complaining of boredom and noticing that I am getting super impatient and anxious about the next little addition coming in a week.
He took mercy on me and let me open my present a little early this year!
Yes, this should do the trick and keep me sidetracked for the next week.
Thank you Babe!
So far I've just used the iPad's Photobooth app and I am sold!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Baby Sprinkle

Charlee is officially set!
The Baby "Sprinkle" on Saturday was an amazing success!
A couple very sweet Sisters from my Ward threw an amazing baby shower.
All we needed were Diapers and Wipes, and boy did we get what we asked for : )
We are stocked for a good while!
The theme was pink, handmade EVERYTHING, girliness.
Every little detail did not go unnoticed, especially by this Mama!
Check out the pictures for yourself!
The Baby "Sprinkle" on Saturday was an amazing success!
A couple very sweet Sisters from my Ward threw an amazing baby shower.
All we needed were Diapers and Wipes, and boy did we get what we asked for : )
We are stocked for a good while!
The theme was pink, handmade EVERYTHING, girliness.
Every little detail did not go unnoticed, especially by this Mama!
Check out the pictures for yourself!
(and to take home, they were adorable!)
I wish I got a better picture of the sign (light wasn't working with me). I took those letters home so I can hang them on the front of Charlee's door.
I didn't get a picture of what we had for breakfast but it was as yummy and cute as the rest of the food. She had yogurt laid out with a line of toppings to choose from so you could make your own parfait. It was delicious!
The Shower was so sweetly put together and all the Diapers and Wipes were so appreciated. We are a blessed family!
Thank you again times a million Maria and Amber! You girls are amazing!!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
14 days left
I started a countdown on my kitchen white board as soon as I had less than 100 days left. I seriously can't believe it's almost in the single digits. I get extremely giddy each time I walk past it knowing how fast 2 weeks will go by.
I have almost completed the "to do" list and I feel good about how the house looks and how Emme is acting. She really did a complete turn around in such a short period of time. She is back to her normal 14 hour sleep routine and with that magically returned my happy girl. She really is such a loving little boog and I think that's what pained me the most was knowing that she was just overly tired and a grump. I'm just so happy she is herself again. It's funny what sleep (or lack of) can do to a child.
I really think Emme has grasped the concept of her baby sister very well. I just know that she will be an amazing big sister. I've wanted to give her a sibling for a while now and I'm so glad she gets to meet her soon.
I've been worried that I wont find things to keep my busy enough to pass the last few days but today it really really hit me. I need to soak up EVERY second I have left with Emme being my only child. My full 100% attention has been her for over 2 1/2 years. Adding another child to our lives will bring so many blessings, I know it. It worries me though, I've said it before- I just don't know how I can love another person as much as I do my Emme.
I'm not saying I wont, I know it will happen. For some reason I feel weird about knowing I will love something else so unconditionally. It fills me with so many bi-polar emotions it's overwhelming. At the end of the day the emotion that trumps all others is knowing how happy she will make our family. So that's it- I just have to sit back, relax, spend every moment I can with my boogie and anticipate the happiness I know Charlee will bring into this family.
I had an amazing pampered nail salon day with a girlfriend. I have an amazing Baby Shower planned by a very good friend on Saturday. I downloaded "The Help" on my Kindle that I started last night. AND I have an adorable 2 year old and an amazing Husband who like to have as much fun as me. Yes, these 2 weeks will sadly/happily go by fast.
This little gem arrived in the mail today as well!
I have almost completed the "to do" list and I feel good about how the house looks and how Emme is acting. She really did a complete turn around in such a short period of time. She is back to her normal 14 hour sleep routine and with that magically returned my happy girl. She really is such a loving little boog and I think that's what pained me the most was knowing that she was just overly tired and a grump. I'm just so happy she is herself again. It's funny what sleep (or lack of) can do to a child.
I really think Emme has grasped the concept of her baby sister very well. I just know that she will be an amazing big sister. I've wanted to give her a sibling for a while now and I'm so glad she gets to meet her soon.
I've been worried that I wont find things to keep my busy enough to pass the last few days but today it really really hit me. I need to soak up EVERY second I have left with Emme being my only child. My full 100% attention has been her for over 2 1/2 years. Adding another child to our lives will bring so many blessings, I know it. It worries me though, I've said it before- I just don't know how I can love another person as much as I do my Emme.
I'm not saying I wont, I know it will happen. For some reason I feel weird about knowing I will love something else so unconditionally. It fills me with so many bi-polar emotions it's overwhelming. At the end of the day the emotion that trumps all others is knowing how happy she will make our family. So that's it- I just have to sit back, relax, spend every moment I can with my boogie and anticipate the happiness I know Charlee will bring into this family.
I had an amazing pampered nail salon day with a girlfriend. I have an amazing Baby Shower planned by a very good friend on Saturday. I downloaded "The Help" on my Kindle that I started last night. AND I have an adorable 2 year old and an amazing Husband who like to have as much fun as me. Yes, these 2 weeks will sadly/happily go by fast.
This little gem arrived in the mail today as well!
It is the most adorable Baby Memory and Calendar Book I have ever seen. Of course I found it in an Etsy.com store. It is a handmade modern book filled with relevant questions and pages you actually want to fill out. There is a pregnancy section so I can't wait to jot down those memories before they get foggy. I'm not even done with the pregnancy and I have already forgotten details of it.
I know it doesn't fit with the post, really, but I had to add this picture to my blog. It's Emme's first time decoration cookies! She of course loved it!
Time to go fill out some of the book!
Monday, August 15, 2011
9 months Baby!

Today marks the beggining of the LAST month of pregnancy! Since I have the scheduled c-sec on Sept. 2nd, I will only be pregnant for a little more than half of it.
That means I have only 17 days left!
Other than sleep still being a struggle, I am feeling pretty damn good right now. I think my extra burst of nesting energy has kicked in! I only have a few things left on the list of things I wanted DONE before Charlee got here. The most exciting one is the hospital bag. I wanted to save that for when time was closer. That one is the Mack Daddy of them all! It means no matter if you're ready or not, the baby is on the way. Soon.
Now how am I going to entertain myself these last 408 hours???
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Playing "Mommy"
I can't remember exact details of when my Sisters and I use to play it as kids, but I do remember how I always longed to be a Mommy one day. I dreamt about what kind of Mommy I would be and how I would keep a house and what my Husband would be like. I always thought it was neat that my Husband's name was Eric, that way he technically is my "Prince Eric"- from the Little Mermaid (yes, I am that into Disney). I don't think I've ever told him that, either haha.
It's pretty amazing to me how much I don't remember of my kidhood. I turn to Holly when I want to know things, she has a remarkable memory. I do, however, remember that when I did play "Mommy", I always had my baby be a Girl. Most baby dolls are girls, so it only seemed natural to not change the sex.
I had a thing with braiding my doll's hair. I guess I thought that braiding hair and changing diapers were the only responsibilities, really. I was good at it too. Braiding hair was calming (and still is, I braid Emme's Doll's hair in church while listening to the talks).
And I specifically remember thinking how amazing it would be to braid my own daughters hair one day. I couldn't wait to do that.
This post doesn't have much relevance to anyone but me. I just simply wanted to state that I do remember that one memory vividly. I also KNEW that what I wanted to be when I grew up was a Mommy. I wanted to write this post to remember that last night I was able to braid my daughters hair for the first time.
It was as magical as I imagined it would be.
It was as magical as I imagined it would be.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Baby news
We have our C-Section date!
My Dr appointment went perfect today and Charlee is right on track measuring 5 1/2 lbs.
We also finally have a day to look forward too (the ONLY perk about having a scheduled c-sec).
September 2nd
Charlee was looking mighty cozy in the U/S with her head in my ribs on the right side. Of course if she does decide to flip before my c-sec date, I will still want to try a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Again, due to my uterus being a little different and having a funny shape, she is most likely going to make my ribs her pillow until she comes out.
So there we have it! Exactly 4 more weeks til little Missy is here!
I am a couple days shy of being 35 weeks and the last month has been pretty rough. I had a very smooth pregnancy up until the 3rd trimester hit. Ever since then though, wow. Sleeping is an absolute joke. I am having pretty bad hip pains at night that make me toss and turn more than normal. When I do lay on the right side, I feel like I am literally crushing her head. I have been reassured by my Dr a few times that she is safe but it's hard to think that when I can feel the outline of her head so distinctly- crushing my lung and ribs. And I still have 4 weeks of growth ahead of me.
Heartburn is every so often, but when it hits, it's no joke. Tums doesn't do it but I found that Milk does help a lot.
This heat is now getting to me! It took a couple months to change my good attitude sour, but it happened. August is usually the hottest month in Summer, so I plan to continue to do what I do best and stay in doors.
We have everything pretty much ready for her. I am having a Diaper Shower thrown for me on the 20th by my good friend, Maria. I didn't even know they had those so when she suggested it, I was thrilled. Pretty cool idea because honestly, that's all I need :)
I am SO much looking forward to seeing some family!!! Especially my Sister, Holly. She booked her ticket 10 min after I told her my C/S date.
Countdown is now only 28 days!
My Dr appointment went perfect today and Charlee is right on track measuring 5 1/2 lbs.
We also finally have a day to look forward too (the ONLY perk about having a scheduled c-sec).
September 2nd
Charlee was looking mighty cozy in the U/S with her head in my ribs on the right side. Of course if she does decide to flip before my c-sec date, I will still want to try a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Again, due to my uterus being a little different and having a funny shape, she is most likely going to make my ribs her pillow until she comes out.
So there we have it! Exactly 4 more weeks til little Missy is here!
I am a couple days shy of being 35 weeks and the last month has been pretty rough. I had a very smooth pregnancy up until the 3rd trimester hit. Ever since then though, wow. Sleeping is an absolute joke. I am having pretty bad hip pains at night that make me toss and turn more than normal. When I do lay on the right side, I feel like I am literally crushing her head. I have been reassured by my Dr a few times that she is safe but it's hard to think that when I can feel the outline of her head so distinctly- crushing my lung and ribs. And I still have 4 weeks of growth ahead of me.
Heartburn is every so often, but when it hits, it's no joke. Tums doesn't do it but I found that Milk does help a lot.
This heat is now getting to me! It took a couple months to change my good attitude sour, but it happened. August is usually the hottest month in Summer, so I plan to continue to do what I do best and stay in doors.
We have everything pretty much ready for her. I am having a Diaper Shower thrown for me on the 20th by my good friend, Maria. I didn't even know they had those so when she suggested it, I was thrilled. Pretty cool idea because honestly, that's all I need :)
I am SO much looking forward to seeing some family!!! Especially my Sister, Holly. She booked her ticket 10 min after I told her my C/S date.
Here is the Mama at 34 weeks and 3 days.
ER visit taking less than 40 min??

Every Mom's dream, right??
I am still in shock that's how our experience went!
Luckily, It wasn't your typical ER visit. Emme had a pretty bad bug bite that was turning her arm puffy and red. I knew that wasn't normal, so we went in first thing Monday morning after talking to the Nurse help line at Keesler. They said she was probably having an allergic reaction to the bite and to go ahead and get her seen.
As soon as I finished filling out the last of paperwork, we were seen right away for her vitals. Right as we finished that up they sent us right to our room. That was definitely a good sign we were going to be seen soon .
To get Emme excited and not shy about the experience, I told her it was her turn to go to the Doctor and not Mommy's. We visit the Dr for my OB appointments weekly, so Emme was thrilled that SHE got to sit on the patient table, instead of Mama. She even loved wearing her patient bracelet. We love playing with her little Dr's kit at home, so when I said she was going to play that with the actual Dr, she got even more excited.
Sure enough, the nice Dr was in to see us as soon as we got settled in our room. She confirmed that she was having an allergic reaction to some sort of insect bite and proceeded to mark Emme's arm with pen so we can monitor if the swollen area grows larger. If it did, I was to give her antibiotics. The Dr was happy to hear Emme wasn't being affected by the bite other than the swollen red area.
And that was it.
Our visit was over in the actual ER in less than 20 min. We walked over to the hospital pharmacy to pick up her prescription of Benadryl and antibiotics and we out before we knew it!
A total of 40 min start to finish!
I was one happy Mama.
In the beginning of the visit, I promised Emme if she did good, we would go eat breakfast at a restaurant.
THAT part was the disaster, actually.
Note to Mommy self- Never give Benadryl BEFORE going to a Restaurant (or any place).
No more than an hour after giving her a dose, she was a cranky tired girl who wanted nothing to do with food or Mama. IHOP was a mistake and we took our food to go and went straight home.
The very next day, her swollen forearm went down considerably, meaning we didn't have to use the antibiotics! (which is great because Dr did mention a nasty side affect would have been diarrhea :/)
I don't have any cool pictures to show of the adventure but here are are some recent photos of the cute stink.

I am still in shock that's how our experience went!
Luckily, It wasn't your typical ER visit. Emme had a pretty bad bug bite that was turning her arm puffy and red. I knew that wasn't normal, so we went in first thing Monday morning after talking to the Nurse help line at Keesler. They said she was probably having an allergic reaction to the bite and to go ahead and get her seen.
As soon as I finished filling out the last of paperwork, we were seen right away for her vitals. Right as we finished that up they sent us right to our room. That was definitely a good sign we were going to be seen soon .
To get Emme excited and not shy about the experience, I told her it was her turn to go to the Doctor and not Mommy's. We visit the Dr for my OB appointments weekly, so Emme was thrilled that SHE got to sit on the patient table, instead of Mama. She even loved wearing her patient bracelet. We love playing with her little Dr's kit at home, so when I said she was going to play that with the actual Dr, she got even more excited.
Sure enough, the nice Dr was in to see us as soon as we got settled in our room. She confirmed that she was having an allergic reaction to some sort of insect bite and proceeded to mark Emme's arm with pen so we can monitor if the swollen area grows larger. If it did, I was to give her antibiotics. The Dr was happy to hear Emme wasn't being affected by the bite other than the swollen red area.
And that was it.
Our visit was over in the actual ER in less than 20 min. We walked over to the hospital pharmacy to pick up her prescription of Benadryl and antibiotics and we out before we knew it!
A total of 40 min start to finish!
I was one happy Mama.
In the beginning of the visit, I promised Emme if she did good, we would go eat breakfast at a restaurant.
THAT part was the disaster, actually.
Note to Mommy self- Never give Benadryl BEFORE going to a Restaurant (or any place).
No more than an hour after giving her a dose, she was a cranky tired girl who wanted nothing to do with food or Mama. IHOP was a mistake and we took our food to go and went straight home.
The very next day, her swollen forearm went down considerably, meaning we didn't have to use the antibiotics! (which is great because Dr did mention a nasty side affect would have been diarrhea :/)
I don't have any cool pictures to show of the adventure but here are are some recent photos of the cute stink.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A Forever Marriage
"It just has to be forever, it wouldn't make sense for us to come this far and not have it perpetuated."
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