Thursday, August 18, 2011

14 days left

I started a countdown on my kitchen white board as soon as I had less than 100 days left. I seriously can't believe it's almost in the single digits. I get extremely giddy each time I walk past it knowing how fast 2 weeks will go by.
I have almost completed the "to do" list and I feel good about how the house looks and how Emme is acting. She really did a complete turn around in such a short period of time. She is back to her normal 14 hour sleep routine and with that magically returned my happy girl. She really is such a loving little boog and I think that's what pained me the most was knowing that she was just overly tired and a grump. I'm just so happy she is herself again. It's funny what sleep (or lack of) can do to a child.
I really think Emme has grasped the concept of her baby sister very well. I just know that she will be an amazing big sister. I've wanted to give her a sibling for a while now and I'm so glad she gets to meet her soon.
I've been worried that I wont find things to keep my busy enough to pass the last few days but today it really really hit me. I need to soak up EVERY second I have left with Emme being my only child. My full 100% attention has been her for over 2 1/2 years. Adding another child to our lives will bring so many blessings, I know it. It worries me though, I've said it before- I just don't know how I can love another person as much as I do my Emme.
I'm not saying I wont, I know it will happen. For some reason I feel weird about knowing I will love something else so unconditionally. It fills me with so many bi-polar emotions it's overwhelming. At the end of the day the emotion that trumps all others is knowing how happy she will make our family. So that's it- I just have to sit back, relax, spend every moment I can with my boogie and anticipate the happiness I know Charlee will bring into this family.
I had an amazing pampered nail salon day with a girlfriend. I have an amazing Baby Shower planned by a very good friend on Saturday. I downloaded "The Help" on my Kindle that I started last night. AND I have an adorable 2 year old and an amazing Husband who like to have as much fun as me. Yes, these 2 weeks will sadly/happily go by fast.

This little gem arrived in the mail today as well!

It is the most adorable Baby Memory and Calendar Book I have ever seen. Of course I found it in an store. It is a handmade modern book filled with relevant questions and pages you actually want to fill out. There is a pregnancy section so I can't wait to jot down those memories before they get foggy. I'm not even done with the pregnancy and I have already forgotten details of it.

I know it doesn't fit with the post, really, but I had to add this picture to my blog. It's Emme's first time decoration cookies! She of course loved it!

Time to go fill out some of the book!

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