Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not just a Camera

This picture (cropped picture, which before had too much Emme booty in it for comfort) 
was the last picture I took before I drowned my other baby.

Calm it down, let me explain.

This is what went down.

-Mom thought babies looked extra adorable in the tub so called down to Dad to bring up other baby.
- Mom started snapping away trying to get the girls to look at the camera at the same time. Not easy. I think I started to squeal like a Pig to get their attention towards me in hopes for that darling picture us Mom's always try and magically get. It's weird, they both love the camera, but never at the same time. 
-The above picture was taken right before Charlee took a dive in the water as she reached for a toy.
-Mom spastically (new word?yes.) reacted and caught my little fishy just as she submerged her face in water.
-Apparently, my cat-like reflexes are so bad ass, they could care less for my other baby and dropped it in the water so I could catch my real baby. 
- I realized what I had done just as I was lifting Charlee up (she was totally fine by the way. She thought it was hilarious more than anything) and immediately called down to Dad to come upstairs.

"I'm so sorry, I just dropped the camera in the water!!"

Dad took over kids while I desperately attemped CPR to the poor thing. 
It was not it's time to go!

It wouldn't turn on.
I remember as I saw it in the water, it immediately went from on to off. Right before it turned off, it gave a weird blue looking scrambled screen. Great.

I knew that was not good news.

I still tried. I disassembled it and started to dry off each piece. I turned the fan on and left it to dry. 

Back to my station with the girls. Still in shock with what just happened. 
Eric didn't say a damn thing to me, bless his heart. 
That would have been bad.

The next morning after it had plenty of time to dry, I attempted another go at it.

I have the talk with Eric about replacing my other baby and it sickens me.

Next day:
Go upstairs, prepared to give it a proper trash can burial, but before that I had to try one more time.

Would you know it.
It turned on.
Not only that, there was NOTHING wrong it.

I wouldn't put it past my Husband to have switched it out with a new one in my sleep knowing how devastated I was.

It was like it was never dropped in a sudsy, toy-filled, water grave.

 Someone has definitely been watching out for us lately!  

  Safe and sound. 

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