Friday, May 8, 2009

Were jogging machines!

Since Eric left i have gotten this overwhelming urge to get ride of this baby weight once and for all! I have a good diet plan working that accommodates breastfeeding and a good exercise plan. Part of which include an hour walk with Emmers in the evening (have to wait till then cuz wheeew, its hot out here!). Well today to make it easier i got a jogging stroller! YAY! I took that baby for a test run today and it went so smoooooth. Very exciting. By the end of it, Emme of course was her usual passed-out-self.
She also tried a Nanner for the first time today! Her first human nibbles! I was just sitting on the couch eating a nanner and she was grabbing for it so i thought, heck, why not? She was so ravenous with it, so cute!!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA CUTE! We have a jogger stroller and Caleb LOVES it, it rides so much smoother than the other stroller that we havent even used the other one and probably wont. Glad she liked the nanners! When you start baby cereal (if you do) you should try nanners I bet she'll love it :)
