Monday, October 3, 2011

1 month old

What the frik.

Where did the last 30 days go?
It really is scary to think how fast it went.
In that time, our visitors have come and gone, the sick bug destroyed our house but is finally gone (although it did leave us some nice parting gifts- runny noses and coughs) and our old schedule is definitely gone.
I don't want to say this new one is pull your hair out crazy.. it's just different.
In these short 30 days I have learned I need to manage my time better. Notice I said I need to- still haven't exactly done it.
I am happy to say I have the daytime routine down pretty well ( although I haven't figured out how to tend to Emme when I am nursing Charlee..especially when she needs wiping after using the potty)
Night time is a different story.
We put Emmers to bed at 730 or 8pm. Usually Charlee is asleep herself around that time so Eric and I enjoy some quiet time before bed. Eric gets up at 445am so he is out normally around 9. THIS is when I need to manage better- I need to sleep when everyone else is sleeping! Instead I choose to Internet surf, watch TV, read my book, but mainly just watch TV. When I was pregnant I had this routine. I had a horrible time sleeping so this worked for me.
It doesn't work anymore.
Going to bed at 1 or 2 am is insane.
Charlee feeds around 1-3 times a night and usually falls right back to sleep after each feeding. There are those nights of course that it takes her a little bit of time to get back down. Those are the killers. Regardless of how much sleep both Charlee and I got that night, Big Sister Emme wakes up at 7am. The golden mother rule of "Sleeping when baby sleeps" is officially over when you have the second one.
I have had success with timing naps and if all the stars align just right I get to nap right along with the girls.
There aren't many, but one of the downsides of nursing is your caffeine intake should be minimal. It makes waking up and being alert to deal with a toddler pretty difficult.

I know it's still pretty early to have such a different schedule mastered, but that's how I am. I like to know what to expect. Especially if it's my job.

Anyway, ENOUGH talk about sleep! On to what this post was originally about.

Charlee is now ONE MONTH : )

She is still feeding very well and sleeping more and more and for longer stretches.
She just started this cute airy "coo" we hear it a few times a day.
Her diapers are able to have longer stretches between changing (thank goodness)
She sleeps in her bassinet during the night and plays in her bouncer and play mat during the day.
She is a wiggle worm! She likes to be held in the crook or your arm and not over the shoulder (the way you hold a baby when you burp them).
Big Sissy, Emme loves loves loves her (praying that lasts) She is actually giving her a kiss right now as I type this... a big boogerie kiss! : )
When Charlee lets out a cry Emme says " uh-oh, sissy wants Mommy's milk!"
Very cute.

Daddy is spending so much time with Emmers and I know it is doing her worlds of good. She has been seeking a lot of attention lately ( yes, more than usual) and she will get it in any form! Good or bad. We are working very hard with her to turn this around. Baby or no baby, she needs to figure out she doesn't run this household. Emmers (like all kids) does well with structure, so I know she'll be back to normal in no time.

For the time being, I am taking all the stressful situations with a grain of salt and thoroughly enjoying my sweet new baby. Especially if time continues to speed by like this last month!

Emme singing her favorite song "Child of God" to her sissy

This shows how much Emmers loves her sissy. She let Charlee snuggle with her favorite thing ever, Peppa Pig!

Look at the perfect round head

Perfect tootsies

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